Deep within an ancient cemetery, an enormous shimmering, swirling portal to another world opens! The evil sorcerer known as the NECROMASTER emerges from the glowing veil. Along with him... monsters of all shapes and sizes come pouring out of the portal. "Arise my warriors of darkness... my Gorehoundz! Take this world!" Mighty hunters enter the cemetery ready for battle to stop the NECROMASTER and his denizens of darkness. Armed to the teeth, the battle rages on. Who will win?



Dark Demons risen from the Necrorealm by their leader, the NECROMASTER. Gorehoundz are numerous, dark and massive creatures of the night whose sole purpose is to conquer the earth realm. Evil in abundance, they're cunning, relentless, and they love to feed on human flesh.



Warriors of light who will stop at nothing to stop the NECROMASTER and his GOREHOUNDZ. Using weapons forged by ancient magic and modern technology, these warriors stand tall against the darkness. Stop the NECROMASTER and save the earth realm!



I'm very proud to introduce to you these custom, retro revival toys called Gorehoundz. I've got a range of toys designed with the older collectors in mind who recollect those days of being small and watching their favorite heroes battle on TV. I come from the days of retro toys like MOTU and TMNT and we want to bring back the feel of those days to collectors today. While creating these toys, I didn't want to stray from the basic designs of our childhood. I wasn't going for some hyper surrealistic superheroes or anime style evolutions. Just cool, edgy, retro-styled figures that felt very reminiscent of those killer figures you used to play with as kids in the 80s. Being a fan of horror, I styled the figures in a similar style like the horror scene in the 80s mixed with those chunky figures from my childhood. These are hand made artist originals that will hopefully propel this brand into something even bigger. But gotta start somewhere!